Oct 19-27, 2021

Application and fitness assessment form

We do not accept participants on a first come, first served basis. Instead we collect applications and notify you of your status by July 15, 2021, at the latest. If you apply after July 15, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Single Rooms: Single rooms are generally not available on this trip due to the limited number of rooms at each accommodation on the Kumano Kodo. If you require one, please check the box in the application form below, and we’ll let you know if one becomes available because of the configuration of the group. If we are able to grant your request, we will also let you know of the additional fee. (Please note that a single room does not guarantee you a private bathroom, just a single bedroom).

Cost: The cost of the pilgrimage is $3,850. The price includes shared accommodations for eight nights, ground transportation in Japan from/to Osaka KIX Airport and most meals. It does not include airfare or travel insurance which is required. For the complete list of included and not included items, please refer to this page.

Payment Schedule:
Deposit upon acceptance: $1,850
Payment due a month before departure: $2,000

We accept payment by checks or PayPal (3% surcharge= Deposit $1,906 Remainder $2,060) in USD

Cancellation Policy:
Should you need to withdraw your application prior to August 15, we will retain 20% of the cost of the trip, or $770. If you withdraw after August 15, any additional refund of your deposit will depend upon whether we are able to find someone else to fill your place, but in any case it will be subject to the 20% retention fee.

We are requiring all participants to be fully vaccinated by the beginning of the trip. Please note that our local guide and hosts may not have had the opportunity to be vaccinated as the vaccine roll-out in Japan is slower than in other countries, at the time of this writing.
The pandemic situation being highly fluid, it’s possible that our trip may need to be cancelled due to (and not exclusively because of) -limitation of entry of foreign nationals into Japan, - quarantine restrictions, - number of COVID cases in Japan or in our respective countries of origin, -lack of vaccination in Japan, or -apparition of new variants, for example. Weighing all the different risk factors and after consultation with the local guide, a final (go/no go) decision will be made a month before departure, around September 15, at which point the cost of the trip will be fully due. If the trip is cancelled, you will be fully refunded for the deposit you paid, except for an administration fee of $40 per person to cover for any third party fees incurred.

Travel Insurance:
We require that you protect your plans with travel insurance including emergency medical/dental coverage and emergency transportation coverage. In addition, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to (or any other similar providers) so your medical emergency information is easily available to local emergency medical staff.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or schedule a call.
When we receive your application, we may call you for additional information.
If your application is accepted, we will email to get to know you, request any additional information if required, send you all applicable details, discuss the recommended physical training, and schedule your first coaching session.

I look forward to welcoming you on this pilgrimage.

